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Who’s up for a Santaquin challenge?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve undoubtedly heard of the mannequin challenge where people stand frozen in time, mannequin like, as a song, typically Rae Stremmurd’s “Black Beatles”, plays in the background.

SantaDave came up with the brilliant idea of doing one tomorrow during the Santa Crawl – so we are going to give it a shot.

I’m asking anyone who would like to participate to get together with their group of fellow Crawlers and noodle a bit on what kind of funny pose they could pull together for their part of the challenge. Then plan on sneaking down to Indigo a bit early, say 8:45 or so. I would think that by about 9:00 we should have a large enough group that we could make a pretty decent video but not yet be so large that it would be unmanageable.

So get working on it (use the videos below for inspiration) and meet me at Indigo at 8:45.

The Penn State football team’s wasn’t bad, but I think we can top it.

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