2021 Santa Crawl Cancelled

Over the last several months, it’s become apparent to me that while we may have turned the corner fighting this pandemic, COVID-19 remains a real and very dangerous threat. In addition to the statistics which show that community transmission levels remain high, personal experience has continued to remind me of just how dangerous this virus can be. In the last few months I’ve had numerous friends and acquaintances come down with the disease. For most, it was fortunately just a minor inconvenience but, for an unfortunate few, it has been much more serious, resulting in long hospitalizations and, in one case, even death.

The closer I came to finalizing plans for the 2021 Santa Crawl, the more trepidation that I felt. I’ve finally concluded that the sensible thing would be, for the second year in a row, to cancel the Santa Crawl. I just can’t bring myself to put on an event that just might cause serious illness to any participant.

For anyone who strongly disagrees with this decision, may I suggest that there’s nothing stopping you for putting an outfit on and going out and having a few pops anyway (I might even do that myself). There just won’t be any coordinated effort on my part to arrange anything.

FTR – if you’re feeling like doing something on your own, the scheduled date for the Crawl was Saturday Dec 11th.